Госпожа Брайт просто обожает стрелять, перевести не взялась, ибо английский знаю плохо, но там в принципе все понятно. Взято с ее ЖЖ:
"I LOVE SHOOTING. I love the smell of the gunpowder, the power in my hand, the certainty that I could kill if I needed to, the way my focus narrows down to the connection between my eye and my hand and the target.
I didn't do too badly at it, either, for my first time. I shot 56 rounds and there are at least 50 holes in the target.
I owe this fabulous experience to my friend/shooting guru Harry and his .38 service revolver, Betsy. I want a gun just like her, and I have a feeling we're going to be spending a lot of time at the range."